Healing Therapy Pricing
As I move into a more spirit based, hybrid therapy, which I believe Jesus has called me to, I feel directed to revise the way I charge clients.
Rather than my usual flat fee of £52 per counselling session, I am asking recipients of Healing Therapy to give as they can afford, “not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7).
The choice of paying through the pay it forward scheme or by the conventional flat rate fee of £51 is at the discretion of the individual.
Suggested minimum giving (based on income or household income per-annum)
Income under £20k ............... £20
Income over £20k .................. £25
Income over £30k .................. £35
Income over £40k ................... £45
Income over £50k ………………… £52
By each of us giving what we can afford, we can supplement and support one and other and live in community as Jesus intended.
Rather than my usual flat fee of £52 per counselling session, I am asking recipients of Healing Therapy to give as they can afford, “not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7).
The choice of paying through the pay it forward scheme or by the conventional flat rate fee of £51 is at the discretion of the individual.
Suggested minimum giving (based on income or household income per-annum)
Income under £20k ............... £20
Income over £20k .................. £25
Income over £30k .................. £35
Income over £40k ................... £45
Income over £50k ………………… £52
By each of us giving what we can afford, we can supplement and support one and other and live in community as Jesus intended.